What's Where?

Whisky installs files to the following locations:

GPTK~/Library/Application Support/com.isaacmarovitz.Whisky/Libraries

Note that you may need to press ⌘ + Shift + . to view hidden files, and that com.isaacmarovitz.Whisky may show up as a folder simply titled Whisky.

Uninstalling Whisky

If you're looking to do a complete uninstall, remove the following files and folders:

  • ~/Library/Application Support/com.isaacmarovitz.Whisky
  • ~/Library/Containers/com.isaacmarovitz.Whisky
  • ~/Library/Logs/com.isaacmarovitz.Whisky
  • /usr/local/bin/whisky (if it exists)
  • /Applications/Whisky.app (or wherever you have it installed)


This will not delete any bottles that have been created outside the default folder. Make sure you delete those in app by Right Clicking > Remove... and selecting Delete files from disk. If you forget to do this before deleting Whisky, or some of your bottles have become orphaned, you can remove them manually in Finder.

Last change: 2024-05-05, commit: 1fc4232